Hello 2022! We have finally said goodbye to 2021 and what a year it was! There were ups and downs and smiles and frowns, but now it is time for a new beginning in the new year! And no, not referring to a new year, new me kind of deal, but new beginnings as in starting afresh. With that being said, we know that with a new year comes new year's resolutions, and I know that some of you have already given in to your resolutions! Not to worry, WanderfullySo completely understands and might just have the tools to help you stick to those resolutions, or begin those resolutions again! Here are a few tips on how you can stick to your 2022 resolutions.
Do not set yourself up for failure. For example, if you are a lover of foods that contain carbs and you want to eliminate carbs from your diet to lose weight, this is setting yourself up to fail. Rather strive for a goal that is more attainable, such as including less carbs in your diet.
Many of us make the mistake of thinking up our New Year’s resolutions on the day of. Instead, plan your resolutions before the end of the year otherwise you might end up making a decision based on how you feel that day.
It is a good idea to decide how you will deal with the temptation of eating as much carbs as you want or to skip leg day at the gym. You could call a friend or family member for help and support, practice positive thinking, or even remind yourself how giving into temptation will affect your progress and goal.
Do not set yourself up for failure.
Writing things down is always helpful and keeps your motivation strong. Develop your list over time and maybe ask others to contribute to it. Keep it with you and refer back to it whenever you are about to give in to the temptation of breaking a resolution.
Tell your family and friends about your resolutions so they can be there to help and support you through it. It would be perfect if you could find a partner with the same or similar resolutions to help motivate each other.
If your resolution is to not drink any alcohol, then rewarding yourself with a bottle of wine is not the best reward for yourself! Instead, celebrate your success by treating yourself to something you enjoy and would not contradict your resolution. Treat yourself to a good meal out or buying yourself something.
Keep track of each small success. Short term goals are easier to keep, and each small accomplishment will keep you motivated. Instead of focusing on not eating any meat, rather try eating meat only on weekends or thrice a week. Keep a journal tracking your progress.
Treat yourself to a good meal out or buying yourself something.
We are all human, and we all make the occasional slip up every now and then. Obsessing over this slip up will not help you achieve your goal. Do the best you can and take each day as it comes.
According to experts, it takes about 21 days to develop a habit and six months for it to become a part of your personality. Achieving your goals will not happen overnight, so it is important to stick to them.
If you have run out of motivation by the end of February, do not worry, just start again! Recommit yourself and start the process again. It may sound easier said than done, but you will feel so much better about yourself when you have achieved your goals and succeeded in your resolutions.
We hope that these tips will help you Wanderers stick to your resolutions. If you are still stuck on deciding on a resolution, why not make booking a free concierge session with us one of them? You could travel virtually to Cape Town, right from your very own home, wherever that may be in the world!